5 Take Pride Report - June 2022 are steeped in disgust. This is often reflected in media discourse about trans people and their rights. This data suggests that our media is amplifying a minority and harmful view, rather than reflecting more widely held sentiment. Feelings of resentment and envy Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Resentment 4% 3% 4% 4% Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Envy 2% 3% 3% 2% Feelings of resentment, and feelings of envy are even less common, and consistent across all of our communities. Feelings of fear Lesbian Gay Bi Trans 4% 4% 3% 4% Finally, as with other negative emotions, only a small percentage of the public are fearful of members of the LGBT community, and this percentage is consistent across all identity groups. As with feelings of disgust, it is striking that the public is no more likely to fear trans people than it is lesbian, gay or bi people. Much of the current media coverage of trans people focuses on the idea that trans women pose a threat to cis women, and that cis women are fearful of them as a consequence. This data suggests that, as with feelings of disgust, our media is amplifying a minority view, rather that reflecting a commonplace sentiment. Can’t choose / don’t want to say Members of the public responding to the survey were also given the option of saying they ‘can’t choose’ an option, or they ‘prefer not to say’. These responses are very different from each other and are worth reflecting on briefly.